Chapter 3

"Some practical advices and percepts on this subject from some Illuminated Blessed Sages and Saints may be useful in guiding the sincere spiritual aspirants and students of the 'Science of the Soul'.

"Minute sensitive waves of 'thought-current' are constantly and habitually scattered and wasted in the outer direction towards materialistic world, and are spent, absorbed and lost in materialism. These extroverted thought-waves have to be collected, concentrated and re-directed inwards -- to the Source of Divine Light i.e. our Soul"

This reverse process of mind, from 'extrovert' to 'introvert', is called 'Meditation' or 'Simran'.

The easiest process of Meditation is to concentrate the mind on the divine Word -'SHABAD' or 'GUR-MANTAR', and repeat it continuously for some minutes in the beginning.

The duration of meditation should be increased gradually with practice.

Sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes and meditate at a fixed time, regularly everyday, morning and evening and at any other available time.

Repeat the 'Gur Mantar' in a low voice, so that you can hear the whisper of Gur Mantar, uttered by yourself. By this simple method, concentration on the 'WORD' becomes easy and smooth.

This is the preliminary technique for the beginners only. In due course, with consistent practice , the 'Gur-Mantar' will imperceptibly dissolve into 'SHABAD' i.e. the word-less 'LIVING WORD', vibrating with Sublime Thrill, Bliss, Joy and Love. At this stage, Meditation i.e. 'Simran', becomes effortless, automatic, spontaneous and enjoyable.

For the practice of concentration and meditation, the following things are essential:

guidance, and

of Awakened and Illuminated Saints,i.e. Sadh Sangat, blessed with Divine Grace and Light."


"Through meditation, you will gradually grow into harmony with Divine rhythmetic vibrations, and become more and more 'god-like', magnetic and endearing to all.

As you grow in meditation, you will find that veil after veil of illusive darkness of Maya is withdrawn, until a new revelation of the Divine Realm rises before you, with New Divine Consciousness."

"Repeat the Name of God -- again and again, as you:

sit in a bus or train to office
work in the kitchen or garden
during your walks
as you take your bath
as you dress up
before going to sleep
during sleep, and
on awakening.

Repeat the Name as often as you can.

Repeat the name with love and longing in your heart and tears in your eyes.
Take care that the repetition does not become mechanical and boring."

"Fasten this one 'Word', 'Gurmantar' to your heart.

Let the 'Word' go with you in your daily work and your daily life.

The 'WORD' will keep your consciousness awake.
In case of doubt, temptation or trouble, solve it with this ONE WORD!
Repeat the WORD, until it:

penetrates your heart,
engulfs your soul,
'hear' it with your 'heart'!
'see' it in your integral intuition, and
your whole being becomes this ONE WORD!

All else is evaporated or eliminated!"


"The reverse process of transformation of Consciousness is a difficult and tardy work, but it becomes easy and smooth in the company of Illuminated and Enlightened Souls. i.e. 'Sadh-Sangat'.

As this reverse process takes place in our life, our mind is gradually purified and spiritualised in the 'Sadh Sangat', and becomes amenable and conductive to the sublime influence of subtle vibrations of Divine Grace and Light. At the same time the influence of materialism is imperceptibly reduced and eliminated from our consciousness.

The more our thoughts are spiritualised by sublime company or 'Sadh-Sangat' and meditation, the more they become subtler, powerful, dynamic and magnetic with reflections from Divine Grace and Light.

Ultimately, when our soul is awakened and illuminated with Divine Light, by the Grace of the Guru, we, in turn, become channel or pipe-line for the outward flow and expression of all Divine attributes of kindness, Joy, Bliss, Love, Compassion, etc."


"The personal contact or company is the easiest and quickest way of conveying thoughts and influencing others.

The effect of such influence of thoughts is dependant on the intensity and conviction of one's feelings on the one side, and the receptibility of the other mind.

Hence, persons of developed minds, with deep convictions and strong faith, can influence and infect weaker minds- with their thoughts and beliefs.

Where vocal exhortations, or intellectual propaganda fail to leave any sustaining mark on the minds of the audience, the very presence of a dynamic enlightened personality can silently inspire and transform the lives of people with his penetrating dynamic spiritual rays and vibrations, which constantly emanate from his sublime dynamic Spiritual Personality.

The same principle applies to the intuitional writings of the Enlightened Souls, which are ever fresh, original and soul-stirring.

If cultivated powerful mind can affect the ordinary mind so deeply on the mental and emotional plane, the Enlightened Divine Souls can also inspire, awaken and ignite the aspiring souls and usher them into the subtle intuitional plane of Divine Realm.

If the laser rays or radio-active radiation can penetrate through thick metal, and the destructive flash of the 'lightening' can do so much havoc on the physical plane, the dynamic spiritual subtle rays of Divine Vibrations-- emanating from the Dynamic Personality of a God-Man -- can also pierce the thick clouds of materialistic ideas and intellectual conceptions, and touch the Divine fringes of the soul of the aspirant and usher him into the Divine Realm.

Thus the silent rays of Divinity can transform the life of an aspiring soul into a spiritual 'God-Man', having been re-born into the Divine Realm.

This is the direct way of 'introduction' of souls into the Divine Realm of Grace and Light.

The most difficult part of it is that of finding and recognising Truly Enlightened Spiritual Souls or 'God-Men'


"If we desire and aspire for a higher, nobler, healthier, happier life, it is essential that first of all we avoid, discard, forget or brush aside our baser ideas and thoughts at once, as soon as they sprout in our mind, and at the same time replace or substitute them with higher, nobler, inspiring thoughts by invoking the help and guidance of Guru's Grace, and seek, and imbibe sublime inspiration of Gurbani and holy company of Awakened and Enlightened souls.

If these depraved thoughts are not forgotten or diverted in the first instance and are entertained and cultivated, they percolate and penetrate deep into our mind and sub-consciousness gradually. In course of time, they become insidious and powerful to enslave us, making our lives unhappy, corrupt, depraved and miserable, with a trail of baser elements of selfishness, envy, avarice, jealousy, hatred, anger, egoism, aggressiveness, wickedness, cruelty and what not".


"The one thing essential of meditation is 'concentration', one-pointedness of the mind. The mind must become steady, as a flame flickers not.

The wind of worldliness disturbs our mind and makes it flicker.

There are lamps enclosed in glass cases. They are called 'hurricane lanterns'. Storms may blow outside, but they do not touch the flame. They continue to burn steady and bright.

Living in the world, as we do, our minds cannot remain steady without a protective influence.

This protective influence is 'Sadh-Sangat' or the fellowship with the Enlightened and Pure ones. Blessed amongst men is, who lives in the company of fellowship with the Blessed and Pure ones, who have realised the Divine Truth. They help the seeker to discipline the mind. The unsteady, wavering, restless and doubting mind becomes steady, unflickering and faithful under the purifying influence of 'Illuminated Souls'.

When the mind is purified, a higher Centre of consciousness wakes up -- called 'Intuition' -- with which the seeker no longer waves or doubt; he 'sees', he 'knows', he enjoys the Bliss and Joy of Divine Grace."


"What is needed is the 'loving surrender' to the Master, the Guru.

The way of 'Love' is the simple way.

He, who would walk the way of Love, will also have to study the scripture of the 'Soul', and on every page of the 'Soul Scripture' is inscribed the Name of the Beloved in Celestial Light, i.e. 'SHABAD'.

He who would walk the 'Way of Love', need not torment his body, nor practice 'prana-yama', nor undertake pilgrimages to Holy places. The 'pilgrim' of the 'Way of Love', lives and moves, and has his breath in the 'One Beloved'!

The emphasis of the 'Simple way of Love' is on inner renunciation -- inner detachment.

Live in the midst of the world, but be not stained by worldliness.

Live for God,
Live With God,
Live in God.

The pilgrim of the 'simple way of Love' moves along the pathways of Life, singing the song of the Beloved. He spreads the sunshine of Divine Bliss, Joy and Love, all around wherever he goes.

He hates none

He has malice against none

He loves all and gives out Love to everybody from his pure radiant heart

He serves all, with Love in his heart.

His aspirations are:

'Lord', I am wholly Thine, I need Thee, I love Thee.
"Keep me in Thy Service"

Thus the seeker grows in Divine Blessedness and every cell of his blood is saturated with the Nectar of God's Grace or 'NAAM', which overflows from his radiant personality."

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