
Readers will find that I have not gone into details of conventional religions.

These numerous religions, with their sects and sub-sects, have already been fully described in hair-splitting details, with concrete instructions and directions, in the massive religious literature and scriptures of the world.

Countless libraries, religious institutions and Universities are already imparting and propagating religious knowledge. Some Universities have also instituted Departments or Chairs for the study and research of religions.

In other words, there is no dearth (shortage) of intellectual knowledge of religion in the world, and every body seems satisfied and complacent about his or her own religious knowledge.

Some 'thinkers' have even deeply studied religions, other then their own.

With the plethora (overabundance) of religions knowledge and literature in the world, it would look superfluous and absurd to make an attempt to write another intellectual treatise about various conventional religions. Apart from this, it will be unwise to open 'Pandora's Box' of religions, when the atmosphere all around, is fully charged with communal strains and emotional elements of:

Hatred, and

I have therefore tried to confine myself to the general and sublimer aspect of religion, and have concentrated on the core quintessence (essence) point - inherent in all religious concepts.

This article is a 'Love-gift' to the devoted Aspirants of Spirituality, who are sincerely working in the pursuit of Divinity, but are confused and bogged down in the maze of superfluous, illusive, bewildering, controversial religious ideologies, concepts and beliefs!

These confusions and controversies about religious concepts arise from our intellectual incompetence and ignorance of the spiritual world.

Our limited intelligence can - at best - take us to the outer courtyard of the Divine Realm, but not beyond that.

The blind man's knowledge is limited to what he perceives through his outer sense, but cannot grasp the complete and true perception of the world of Light.

Similarly, our intelligence is incompetent to perceive the Immanent Divine Light or to realise the Wonders of the Spiritual World.

The knowledge of the Divine Realm Can only be realised by the Insight or Consciousness of our Souls, called 'Intuition', which is also called the 'Third eye'.

Until and unless this 'Insight' or 'Intuition' is developed and the soul is blessed with a glimpse of Divine Grace and Light, there are bound to be:

Confrontation, and

amongst various religions, and between 'Outer Religion' and 'Spiritualism'.

Very few persons take up religion seriously, but even these few are:

Diverted, and
Carried away,

from the real Essence of Religion, and are bogged down or lost in the maze of conventional religions and their:

norms and forms
dogmas and creeds
rites and rituals,
sermons and ceremonies,
logic and theology,
reasoning and philosophies,
superstitious obsessions,
obdurate bigotry,
fanatic aberrations,
wrong conceptions,
illusive achievements, and
hypothetic goals.

Even if a rare soul outgrows and transcends these outward religious obsessions, and rises to the higher consciousness, it is liable to be distracted and bogged down in some of the following phases of occult plane:

Imaginary hypothetic Visions,
Emotional flights of thoughts of the Unseen,
Reveries of fanciful notions,
Playing with psychic powers,
Clairvoyance & prophecies,
Large number of followers,
Religious ashrams and institutions,
Sufferings of ascetic life,
Illusory spiritual achievements,
Niceties of spiritual knowledge,
Nothingness of Yogic Trances, and
'mukti' or salvation from the cycle of birth & death.

Such souls are so involved and absorbed in the emotional exercises of their occult powers, that they become obsessed with their religious and occult attainments, and become oblivious or ignorant of any higher spiritual vision. All these emotional and imaginary achievements , visions and occult powers are based on egoistic foundation, and revolve around the lower consciousness of 'I' and 'Me'. Hence they belong to the cosmic world and are devoid of the touch of Divine Grace & Light.

In fact, these occult visions and powers are enchanting mirages, in which most of the Yogies are caught and trapped, which prove a great hindrance for their further advancement towards the true spiritual goal.

It is therefore obvious, how difficult or impossible it is for an aspiring soul, to overcome by himself, the powerful gravity of 'Maya', and to transcend both the religious and occult barriers of distractions and misconceptions.

Only Illuminated & Blessed souls of Divine Vision can guide and introduce the aspiring soul into the higher consciousness of spirituality, to enable him to enjoy the inner experiences of Divine Bliss and Grace. This inner intuitional experience of the soul comprise of:

1. Intuition and Divine Vision
2. Vibrating thrill of Divine Touch
3. Intoxication of Divine Bliss
4. Infatuation of Celestial Music
5. Secret and sacred Flame of divine Light
6. Ecstasy of Divine Love
7. Cosy Warmth of Divine Presence
8. Glory of the divine Efflorescence
9. Bewitching & captivating Divine Beauty
10. Sweet Caresses of Celestial Grace
11. Soothing peace of Celestial Silence
12. Dancing Joy of Divine Grace

This is the:

Practical, and


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